3 Reasons Why Your Gas Fireplace Needs to Be Serviced Annually

Gas Fireplace Installers Johannesburg

Summer is around the corner which means you won’t be using your gas fireplace as often as you did in winter. It also means that now would be a great time to do your annual maintenance.

Many people find it obvious that a wood-burning fireplace would need regular maintenance and cleaning. So why if your gas fireplace burns nice and neat would you need annual maintenance? While gas fireplaces are extremely convenient, clean and have a lower day to day maintenance, there are various potential issues that might occur. And if not resolved quickly, could become dangerous.

#1 Debris Buildup

Debris can develop from anything like deteriorated ceramic logs, cracked chimney crown or poor mortar joints. It can clog your vents and should be cleaned regularly.

#2 Ventilation

While a gas fireplace doesn’t deposit soot in your chimney, you still have to inspect the structure annually for other obstructions. If a bird gets into your chimney and happens to build a nest, it will block your ventilation. This will cause your chimney to deteriorate and stop functioning properly. It’s crucial for your chimney to work properly to prevent toxic fumes from entering your home.

#3 Functionality

If there’s one thing you never want to take chances with is that the equipment in your gas fireplace is operating optimally. Valves and connections develop leaks over time and could cause sudden fires or explosions if these leaks or malfunctions are taken care of.

There’s no need to be wary of gas as long as you service and maintain your gas appliance on a regular basis and use certified gas installers for the job. Action Gas is a gas installer in Johannesburg with the necessary expertise and extremely competitive rates. Don’t risk the safety of your family by not using professionals and not maintaining your unit. Give us a call today!